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Meet ATS.robot | CONTÁBIL, the assistant robot simplifies work in accounting offices

ATS.robô uses an RPA (Robotic Process Automation) platform to automate routine office work, teaching the robot to replicate the actions that a human being would perform, in exactly the same way, but with greater assertiveness and productivity, working for 24 hours, 7 days a week.

A robot performs one, or many sequential tasks, with 100% accuracy, when “trained” correctly. The best cost-benefit to use ATS.robot is    keep it active with a scope of tasks that fills as much of your 24 hours as possible/ day.

It is perfect for repetitive, bureaucratic tasks with a pattern of execution. Exactly the tasks that take more time from employees, who could be dedicated to the most strategic tasks in their work period.

Today we have a smart ATS.robot perfect for automating the processing of DCTF's using the system  DCTF Monthly 3.5  (Inland Revenue) and the eCAC portal https:/ /

It processes DCTF's alone, with greater speed, issues reports with a detailed view of each company's taxes and revalidates the completion of the DCTF at the Federal Revenue Service (eCAC).

Unlike other robots offered on the market today, ATS.robot | Smart DCTF has been trained for over 80 hours to run the entire process by itself , from   reading data in the folder; data extraction in eCac; filling out the DCTF; DCTF validation; streaming; receipt download and reporting.

This technology offered by ATS is the result of a partnership with UiPath, and also of its know-how of more than 20 years of experience with technology for process automation.

Understand the terms of the UiPath license, the platform used for the development of ATS.robot




At RBC Consultoria the ATS.robot | Intelligent DCTF is already very successful! The much talked about "RPA for accounting" has already positively transformed its routines and its results.

(see customer testimonial in the video below)

Monthly DCTF

Processing of DCTF information, from generation (debits and credits extraction) to transmission to the Federal Revenue


Information Technology Specialist

R. Cell. José Eusébio, 95 - Higienópolis, São Paulo SP, 01239-030, Brazil

© 2019 by ATS Tecnologia

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