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Before having to migrate to the home office, had you already thought about the cost of your company's physical structure?

Does your company really need this expensive physical structure? And how much would it cost to move your operation to the home office? Is it possible to migrate your entire system to the cloud quickly? And how would your files be shared, stored or found? Would your data and that of your customers be safe? What about your company's telephony, could it work at home in the same way as your office's telephone switchboard?  Yes.

Unexpectedly, companies were forced to REINVENT the way they work. And with that came many problems for which most of them were not prepared. However, we at ATS Tecnologia guarantee that companies that dare to migrate their operation to the home office using our ATS.homebox solution, supported by our technical support that guarantees rapid migration, data security, training and subsequent support , will not only survive, but will take a big step forward.

Another very important issue is the LGPD - General Data Protection Law - This is a recurring and important subject that has become urgent. There is a great concern of all companies and service providers that deal with their customers' personal data to adapt themselves as soon as possible to the Law. they.

Focusing specifically on the legal segment, which produces, receives and “exchanges” numerous documents, whether for review or approval, in applications via WEB. How does this circulation take place? How much data is “exchanged” by WhatsApp, Dropbox, Google? Is it a safe process?

In the current context of Legal Firms, in which the majority of lawyers, secretaries and interns are working from home, some questions are mandatory:

  • How many and which documents are circulating on employees' notebooks, cell phones and personal applications?

  • Do all mobile devices used meet the Information Security requirements required by standards and best practices?

  • What is the level of security in the process of preparing, reviewing and approving your Organization's documents? Is there traceability of the document trail?

  • When the employee leaves the Office, what kind of scanning is done on the data generated while on the team? Is the data completely erased?

  • Would your office pass smoothly through the Information Security Audit imposed by your client?

The home office consists of taking the company home and not just work. This context requires increased attention and management of the equipment, systems and applications used by employees.

Thinking about firewall, antivirus, cyber security, mobile device management (MDM) is essential to guarantee the security of your Office data, whether strategic or personal.

ATS offers solutions capable of guaranteeing the total security and mobility of its customers' data, containing the risks of personal data leakage.

The FUTURE and CHANGE of companies depend on immediate, bold, intelligent and safe attitudes. ATS.homebox is the name of your change.

  • We offer structure in our own Datacenter;

  • The cost of  cloud lease X the cost of lease and physical infrastructure;

  • We offer the intelligent management of your documents;

  • We migrate your system exactly as it is to the cloud;

  • We guarantee data security, backup, technical support and training   to users.

Working at home with access to an intelligent repository of documents and information and with the certainty of the quality of the information will be a great differential in the routine of your employees and in the productivity of your office, e for a much more cost affordable than you might think.

OK! We will contact you soon!

Information Technology Specialist

R. Cell. José Eusébio, 95 - Higienópolis, São Paulo SP, 01239-030, Brazil

© 2019 by ATS Tecnologia

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