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Compar Documentos no Juridico

Comparing documents is a routine task for legal professionals, as they often share contracts, drafts, and other documents with opposing attorneys and third parties. 

Comparing contracts and other legal documents without a proper tool is error-prone. Not being able to identify major changes, no matter how small, can have a big impact on your business.

compareDocs is a tool to compare two documents with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency, capturing every insertion, deletion or move in every document instantly.

compareDocs is a Windows app and is also available  as an Office 365 Add-in as well as a Windows 10 app, making document comparison available on a PC, laptop, Mac, Surface Pro, iPad or phone.

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Guia-comparação de doc
Comparison in different formats

Compare Documents Word, PDF, Excel or PowerPoint
Provides comparison report as redline or using MS Office's own change tracking
Built-in OCR capability for format comparison
Integrates with MS Office applications
Integrates with document management systems (GED)

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Access from any location and device

compareDocs is available as a desktop application that integrates  with leading document management systems to simplify the fluxo work for professionals use such platforms

compareDocs is also available in the cloud and allows document comparison for out-of-office users. Can be used de anywhere and on any device. It's available as an Office 365 add-in and as a Windows 10 app.

More information?

Contact us!

Information Technology Specialist

R. Cell. José Eusébio, 95 - Higienópolis, São Paulo SP, 01239-030, Brazil

© 2019 by ATS Tecnologia

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